Unseelie Portals

Posts relating to my series of dark fairy doors known as the Unseelie Portals.

Boggart Cell

A place to put the scary things!    Having completed construction of a number of Goblin Mines, it soon felt like the time was ripe to begin another project in my ‘Unseelie Portals’ series – a collection of Fairy Doors designed to house the “less savory” of fairy folk.  If you missed my post describing …

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Into the Goblin Mine!

Going down where the Goblins Go – BELOW! This was a project I’d been wanting to ‘dig’ into for a SO very long! For years now I’ve been seeing more and more Fairy Doors for sale, both online and at craft or renaissance festivals.  These miniature doors, usually brightly colored with rounded tops, are typically intended for …

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